Send us your photo...and we'll turn your Memory into a Masterpiece on Canvas!

CanvasArt creates masterpiece portraits in the style of Traditional Fine Oil. Home of the $25 Preview, we allow you to view your photo turned into painting first and decide afterwards whether to purchase. We work this way to insure satisfaction with your photo to canvas painting

* Painted Family Portraits
* Painted Child Portraits
* Dog Painting & Dog Portraits
* Painted Pet Portraits
* Painted Baby Portraits
* Painted Wedding Portraits
* Painted Memorial Portraits
* Painted Vacation Portraits
* Painted Self Portraits
* Pop Art Portraits
* Painted Couples Portraits
* Painted Celebrity Portraits

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Hello Leah, It took a few more days than usual but your Artist has completed the portrait of Mom and Dad for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. We began with your photo (both photos actually) and created this painting in the style of Traditional Fine Oil. We could not turn the head of your Mother from the alternate photo. But we were successful in using the 2nd photo to get the eyes right. Please use the ZOOM tool above to get a close up look and see how Dads eyes are now open. We also rendered much clarity in your Mothers face - with a special effort to show her eyes through the sunglasses as much as possible. Hope you can appreciate how different our painting looks like compared to the photo. The shape of this artwork is square and the Artist recommends 24x24 together with our Florentine Black picture frame. To see all the sizes available please click the ORDER NOW button at left. Thank you.

from: Art Director on Wednesday, March 23, 2016